To teach in such a way that our students will experience our Lord and learn about Him and His Word through interactive "Live" lessons.
Hello, The Carpenter's House parents, to provide a secure and structured and environment to our CHOW children, we have implemented a few new rules in the Nursery:
All children MUST be POTTY TRAINED & WALKING to be able to attend the Nursery class.
All children must be signed in & out by a PARENT or GUARDIAN.
All parents/guardians will receive a “TICKET NUMBER”, at time of drop off. The PARENT/GUARDIAN will need present it when picking up their child.
All children MUST be picked up IMMEDIATELY after Church service, by the parent who signed them in.
We ask that you please refrain from allowing your children to bring in toys from home, to keep the children from fighting over their “SPECIAL” toys.
Come in as early as 9:45 AM
Cut-off time is 10:30 AM
If your child brings in snacks from home, we ask that you please make sure it is enough for the rest of the children as well, (IT IS NOT FAIR TO OTHER CHILDREN IF THEY SEE SOMETHING YUMMY TO EAT, BUT THERE IS NOT ENOUGH TO SHARE) or refrain from bringing outside food. As we (THE INSTRUCTORS) do provide snacks and drinks for the children during our class snack time.
4th Sundays will be family day, and all children must JOIN their PARENTS/GUARDIANS in the SANCTUARY. (NURSERY CLOSED)